Industry Insights
With 25+ years of industry experience, we’re passionate about high-quality and innovative surfacing solutions. Scroll to discover tips, stories, and information on our products including X-Bond Microcement, Quartz Carpet and Liquid Membrane.
Why Working with a Trusted Microcement Supplier Matters
Looking for a microcement supplier in Australia? Choosing us means choosing X-Bond, a trusted product with 25 years of history.
Australia’s Leading Microcement: About X-Bond
A deep dive into X-Bond Microcement: what it ss, why it’s our product of choice, its uses, application, and more.
Quick Facts About Permeable Flooring
Permeable or porous flooring is becoming increasingly popular for driveways, outdoor parking areas, and walkways due to its environmental and practical advantages.
Microcement Projects in Queensland
From modern coastal homes to offices, microcement is redefining spaces across Queensland. Here are three X-Bond projects from Brisbane to Gold Coast.
The Best Microcement Applications for Modern Homes
In this blog, we’ll explore the best ways to incorporate microcement into your home, showcasing its adaptability across walls, floors, and even outdoor spaces.
How Does Water-Based Concrete Stain Work?
Water-based concrete staining is a fantastic way to breathe new life into your old concrete surfaces, or to customise new slabs. Here’s why.
Microcement Training Bookings Are Open for 2025
Do you want to expand your rendering, plastering, or concreting business? Bookings in our X-Bond Microcement and Quartz Carpet training courses are open.
Why Choose X-Bond Microcement Over Other Flooring Options
When it comes to choosing the seamless flooring for a design project, microcement is a great choice. Here’s why X-Bond Microcement stands out compared to other options.
Is Microcement Weather Proof?
Ready to weatherproof your space? For exterior areas, microcement offers the versatility and performance you need.
The Pros and Cons of Microcement Bathrooms
If you’re wondering whether microcement lives up to the hype in bathrooms, this balanced look at the pros and cons might help — especially as there are some common misconceptions.
How To Get Microcement in Your Project
Answers on how to actually get X-Bond in your project, from contacting installers to submitting quote and sample requests.
When You Should Choose Quartz Carpet
Ever heard of Quartz Carpet? Discover why this incredibly resilient finish might be the best option for you, including its durability, installation method, and design outcomes.
Permeable Paving vs. Permeable Concrete: Which Is Better?
A porous flooring solution is designed to allow water to seep through into the ground below. Read our comparison of permeable pavement and pervious concrete.
Microcement Flooring: Yes or No?
Find out if microcement is really the best flooring option for your project with this detailed list of advantages and concerns.
Case Studies: Concrete Resurfacing
These three concrete resurfacing case studies showcase why X-Bond Microcement is one of the most popular concrete resurfacing solutions in commercial and residential projects.
Where Can You Install Microcement?
Architects, interior designers, builders, property managers, and homeowners are utilising microcement to achieve a concrete look in places where traditional concrete would be impractical. Read on for a detailed explanation of where you can install microcement.
Your Guide to Quartz Stone Surface Overlays: Quartz Carpet
One of our most durable and resilient finishes, Quartz Carpet has become a preferred alternative over traditional flooring, wall, and joinery materials in residential and commercial interiors. Discover if it’s the right fit for your project.
What Is Permeable Paving?
Permeable flooring like our Terradec Permeable Paving allows water to pass directly through it into the ground below. Here’s everything you need to know about this porous stone flooring solution.
How to Change The Colour Of Your Concrete With Concrete Stain
Do you have concrete that needs a refresh? Concrete Colour Stain is the perfect solution to customising your concrete surfaces without hiding the texture underneath. Read more.
The Cost of Microcement: X-Bond Microcement Pricing 2024
When it comes to installing microcement, every job is priced individually based on a range of factors. Read on for insights into how installers will quote X-Bond Microcement applications.
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